Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Ethics of Work in the Community

Community is needed Right Now!

Everyone is seeking to find a home. People face different challenges today.  Yet, each one of us as an individual can make a difference.  

The commitment of every person is important as community life is needed in our time.   Therefore, a community is an opportunity for the continuity of life. It reinforces the safety of the family and drives a form of protection for us. It is in this line that a community should be a haven for everyone. If the community is safe and productive, it can stimulate creativity, growth and progress – which are very important in a resilient community.

Property, Talent, Gifts and Giving

Inside the community, one must be willing to give to be part of the community. From the word common unity, the value of sharing and giving must be seen and take effect. It is the essence of the word agape in the Christian form of love for one another.

This is the true values of love and of caring - the love for our neighbor as an expression of our love for God and life to the fullest.  Everyone must develop this talent to express their God given talent and gifts in order for the community to grow and move into progress.  It is the reason why people must learn to love their work and to learn how to work especially the youth. Young people need to love the value of work for it is an important foundation of building a community.

The sense of lack among the property less and the inability of those with more in life to share can lead to unknown fear, doubt and insecurity. It is the reason why there are so much poverty, violence and strife in our society today.

Practical Vision and Leadership in the grassroots

Community is a vision not only of what is present.  

We need leaders that will become so practical that will lead everyone for a sense of reason.  People need to get out from their comfort zone in order to identify to others. In the end it will lead to the need of the soul.

Living the Truth by Example

Inside an effective community, people must live by example. Young people through a good example will get a message that can live for. From here we can reflect how we develop or raised our children and our citizens.  The street children in our national roads are examples of this point of reflection.

By seeing the example that we are providing to our children today, we can conclude of what kind of a nation that we are trying to develop.  Hence, all of us make wrong decisions in life but the hope is that new decisions can be made to improve our destiny as a collective behavior. The good news also is that when we are able to realize it, we can still change our habit or build a momentum of good examples - values of integrity, love for work, service and love for one another.  These are the true cornerstone of a community and of a true resilient nation.

Harnessing the Community from Simple Ways

A striving community must battle the culture of complaining.

Life in the community must be defended for the sake of the community itself. It is the life of each home and family – their safety and preparedness are really important. Complain will do no good but being proactive we can harness the value and importance of each member in the community.

Yet we must also guard against right motive, reason and causes.  Idealists recently take to the streets to effect change and fight against injustices.  However, our social problems must be answered by solutions that start from God first and foremost.  Mother Theresa is one example of this living with the people. She never forget that everything grace comes from God.

Hard work must be instill   

Community must be a living testimony of hard working people. The ethics of work must be developed to our children. The respect for the workers and employers must be seen from the point of view of mutual respect. The love for work, sense for work, and the essence of purpose in life must be developed in the community.  This must take effect across all ages when everyone are capable of working, develop the values of striving and become productive contributors  of life – in this a community will sustainably thrive.

With equal importance – people will become integrated in the community. No one will be unproductive, forgotten or left alone - for the community will always see that everyone can contribute – in big or small, the rich or poor, the sick or healthy, or even the young and old.

For everyone is important.

Based from a brief excerpt from the book: Community by E.C. P.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Varying weather conditions brought about by the changing global climate place every neighborhood in a very challenging condition. This is most importantly felt and seen in an archipelagic country like the Philippines.

The recent Typhoon Gener caught Metro Manila by a sustained rain showers and thunder storms with a shallow low pressure area which exposed the vulnerability of its residents from various dangers not to mention the destruction that it caused to their valued properties.  The flood reminds many of the devastation brought by Typhoon Ondoy and Pepeng in 2009 where thousands of lives and properties were affected.

Due to the needed response among neighbors, individuals with common experience, realization and purpose bonded to gather their strength and aspiration in a group called volunteers for resilient communities.   Moved by the vigor of solidarity (bayanihan) that is naturally seen among Filipinos whenever urgent need arise, the group envision to enhance the values of productive volunteerism with a dream of realizing resilient communities where people help others to help themselves.

            We are a self-conscious individuals bonded by a common unity under the spirit of service and mutual support that aims to help realize resilient communities.


            To attract people with a heart and compassion to serve, a mind of common sense and a vow of practice that builds an interacting authentic communities.